Balanced Engineering & Construction

Design and Build of Fly Ash Silos

power plant silo construction, Taiwan

Case Study

Design and Build of Fly Ash Silos, Taiwan

Embarking on a transformative journey to address the challenges of an aging power plant and surging power demand, Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) opted for a renewal project replacing the existing 600 MW plant with a 3 x 800 MW coal-fired ultra-supercritical-pressure (USC) power plant in Linkou District, New Taipei, Taiwan. USC technology ensures higher efficiencies, reduced emissions (including carbon dioxide and mercury), and lower fuel costs per megawatt, contributing to a sustainable and environmentally friendly power generation solution.


Limited Site Space: BEC encountered a significant challenge with very restricted site space, requiring innovative engineering solutions to optimise construction within confined parameters.

Stringent Local Design Requirements: The project site fell within an earthquake zone, necessitating adherence to stringent local design requirements to ensure structural resilience and safety.

BEC's approach

BEC, recognised for its expertise in complex projects, was awarded the design and build package for two 48.3 m high fly ash silos. The comprehensive scope included the construction of pile caps, slipform technology application for structural elements, roofing, flooring, external staircase installation, and external wall painting.

The BEC Advantage

BEC’s meticulous execution of the design and build package contributed significantly to the Linkou Power Plant Renewal Project’s success. Despite challenges, BEC’s innovative solutions ensured the timely and precise construction of key components, facilitating the plant’s transition to a more advanced and sustainable power generation facility. The incorporation of USC technology positions the plant as a benchmark for efficiency and environmental responsibility. 

This case exemplifies BEC’s commitment to delivering high-quality solutions in demanding environments, contributing to Taiwan’s energy infrastructure and environmental goals.

Projects Details:

Taiwan Power Company


CTCI Corporation




August, 2016